Inscripting your Joy


Mein letzter Tag auf Bali. Zum Abschluss soll es noch einmal was Besonderes sein. Inscripting your Joy, ein Workshop zum intuitiven Schreiben ist eine Überraschung für mich. Zwischen Yoga- Asanas werden uns Aufgaben gestellt, wir haben begrenzt Zeit,  Themen zu bearbeiten und das auch noch auf Englisch. Es macht Riesenspaß, zu meiner Überraschung fällt es mir gar nicht schwer, mich in der Fremdsprache auszudrücken, auch wenn ich manches umschreiben muss, weil mir der differenzierte Wortschatz fehlt. Die letzte Aufgabe ist es, aus sieben vorgegebenen Begriffen und einem Objekt in 10 Minuten eine Geschichte zu erzählen.

eine Meerjungfrau-Puppe – ein Name – ein Objekt – eine Farbe – ein Ort – ein Monat – eine Uhrzeit – ein Tier

“ A little mermaid called Sophie was looking at the red-coloured book she had in her hands on a wonderful day in May. What could be the story in it? Would it be something that attracts her? Would it be boring? Knowing, she had to give back that book to it’s owner at 1 p.m., she opens it quickly and finds that it was divided into three parts: childhood, adult life and the age of being old. The story started in Munich and led to several parts of the world, where the main character tried to find her luck. Having gone through all good and bad a life can give, it ended with her sitting in an armchair, having a cat on her legs and asking a little mermaid: „What will you do in your life? Will you profit from my experiences or not? Whatever you decide, whatever you do, do it with passion and love and be sure, there are no bad decisions.“ The little mermaid was stunned. This book directly spoke to her. She looked who the author was: her name was Sophie, to her complete surprise. Could it be that her older self here spoke to her? After having read and thought about the miraculous coincidence, she gave it back in time to it’s owner. This was a magical seeming woman whom she never knew before. She gave her the book. The woman took it back and said: “ Now, Sophie, do you know who I am?“ Sophie looked at her and said: „No, tell me.“ She replied: “ If I have your  book of life in my hands, who can I possibly be if not the only true teacher you’ll ever have?“ Sophie looked back and realized,  astonished, they all were one: She, the teacher, the writer and the characters of the book. „

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